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Say hi to the people at Odd Agency


At Odd Agency we always work as a team utilizing our different competencies
and approaches to problem solving.
Katarina Svärdhult


Strategic Marketing Management

Stockholm School of Economics Executive Education

Business Administration

Växjö University

Master’s degree in Psychology and Labour law

Lund University

Communication and branding

Berghs School of Communications

Creative workshop and education methods

Södra Stockholms Folkhögskola

Katarina Svärdhult

Change Channels

For the past 15 years Katarina has developed the ability to lead change from strategy to implementation in various senior management positions and as a consultant.

As the founder of Odd Agency, and head of our business area Change Channels, she has created a personal and professional platform to continue to work with her favorite methods for sustainable change in collaboration with highly talented clients and partners in different industries.

Katarina has created lasting results in various companies and industries by building strong and sustainable change leadership capabilities at all levels the organizations.

Phone: +46 703 245 769

Dreams about

To age as her grandmother, Ingeborg, who is 92 years old with strong values. She is almost blind but is still participates in training courses and keeps up with world politics simply because development makes her feel alive.

Can’t stand

I think stinginess and complacency is unbearable. To work for Odd. and avoid collaborations with people who are full of themselves is true luxury.

Most recent post:

Looking to create a meaningful meeting?

"I like the combination of business, people and developing new ideas. And I love to be in charge and create change."

- Katarina Svärdhult
Julia Karner


Master of Science in Corporate Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Lund University School of Economics & Management

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Stockholm University

Bachelor of Science in Political Science

Stockholm University

Facilitation & Team Collaboration

Hyper Island

Julia Karner

Business Development

As a managing partner and consultant at Odd Agency, Julia spends her days guiding organizations and teams through change processes in a variety of settings and projects.

With a background in corporate innovation and business development, she thrives from creating new value by enabling creative and goal oriented innovation processes. With strategic and communicative skills, she also supports design as well as activation stages of strategic change programs and forums.

Examples of recent projects include:
– Designing and leading an international collaboration program for a world-leading professional services firm
– Concept design and facilitation of a customer experience lab with Swedish top retail brands generating new and live tested CX-KPIs
– Design and facilitation of strategy process with senior management team in retail.

Phone: +46 703 245 796

What to expect when working with Julia

A structured approach to problem solving focusing on inclusion and collaboration. Also, expect a lot of questions from her - she’s eager to get to know you and get to work.

Can’t stand

Ignorance and indifference

Most recent post:

Continuing the dialogue on the future of health

"Sustainable business models are a prerequisite - creating meaningful change for people is why we’re here."

- Julia Karner
Matilda Marklund

Education & Certification


Co-creation in Organisations

Uppsala Universitet

Human Resource Management and Working Life

Matilda Marklund


Matilda has worked in executive positions within HR and Learning and Development for the past 15 years. She has experience from leading and facilitating change in large enterprises in industries such as professional services, food services, surveillance and security and retail.

With Odd Agency, Matilda designs and leads different forums for strategy execution and capability development – our change channels. In these forums, she develops leadership teams, as well as enables individual learning and engagement.

Phone: +46 736 18 55 04

Inspiration comes from...

Working with courageous people who challenge others as well as themselves.

I am skeptical towards...

Categorical thinking leaving no room for new perspectives and deep understanding

Most recent post:

How to create a meaningful meeting

"Leading change requires courageousness, curiosity and creativity."

- Matilda Marklund

Are you perfect for odd Agency?

At Odd Agency we are always on the lookout for two things: exciting projects and
exciting people. Get in touch and we'll tell you more.
